Vision Testing
For you and the entire family!
Comprehensive Exam
Complete Eye Exams for ages 19 to 64
Routine eye exams are important even if you see well and have no complaints; your eyes are about more than 20/20. A comprehensive eye exam can detect sight or life threatening diseases.
Patients between the ages of 19-64 with no existing health or eye conditions should have their eyes checked every 2 years; however, more frequent monitoring may be recommended depending on your needs.
Senior Eye Exams
Complete Annual Eye Exams for 65+
Manitoba Health Coverage Available
$60 Ocular Fundus Exam Fee
The risk of many eye diseases increases as we become older, and as such more frequent monitoring is recommended. Patients 65 and older should be seen annually to help with early detection of sight threatening diseases.
Patients 65 and older are covered through Manitoba Health for a routine eye exam. There may be additional testing required that Manitoba Health does not cover.
Pediatric Eye Exams
Complete Annual Eye Exams for 18 and under
Manitoba Health Coverage Available
(up until the 19th Birthday)
80% of a child’s learning is based on vision, making vision health vital to a childs growth and development.
A first exam should be done between 6-9 months, then annually after that because kids grow and change so quickly. Children do not need to know their letters or numbers to do an exam.
A vision screening does not replace a comprehensive exam with an Optometrist.
Eye Emergencies
Urgent Eyecare Exams
Manitoba Health Coverage Available
(Additional Fees May Apply)
You could be experiencing an eye emergency if you have encountered any, but not limited to, of the following:
Red eye
Eye pain
Flashes of light
Sudden loss or change of vision
An object in the eye
Trauma to the eye
Please feel to contact our office with any questions regarding eye emergencies or any symptoms you may be experiencing.​
If you experience an eye emergency outside of our office hours please head to:
Misericordia Health Centre
99 Cornish Ave
There are on call Ophthalmologists available to help you with your emergency.
Diabetic Eye Exams
Complete Annual Eye Exams for Diabetic Patients
Manitoba Health Coverage Available
$60 Ocular Fundus Exam Fee
Diabetes can seriously affect your eyes, causing temporary or even permanent vision loss. Annual eye exams are critical for people living with diabetes and are covered by Manitoba Health regardless of age. There is additional testing required, that Manitoba Health does not cover.​
An eye exam can detect the presence of diabetes, as well diabetes-related eye problems such as:
Diabetic retinopathy(bleeding in the eye)
Full or partial paralysis of muscles that move the eyes
Decreased corneal sensitivity
Vision problems
Occupational Eye Testing
Complete Eye Exams for Occupational Needs.